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Livestock Probiotic Yeasts and Supplements Superior, Cheaper

A knowledge-based company has produced probiotic yeasts and supplements for livestock, which are cheaper than their foreign counterparts

A domestic company has produced probiotic yeasts and supplements for livestock, which are cheaper than their foreign counterparts.

Based on biotechnology, these products are considered essential for the health of both humans and animals, according to the CEO of Gol Sahand Khosro Company.

“The knowledge-based company has produced probiotic supplements and yeasts through extensive research to increase the positive bacteria in humans and animals,” Ahmad Yari Khosroshahi was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.

“The use of probiotic yeasts and supplements is essential because it is not possible to eliminate all the harmful bacteria and overcome the resistance created by the use of antibiotics,” he added.

Khosroshahi noted that probiotics help improve health, reduce the use of antibiotics and compensate nutritional deficiency.

“The company operates in six major livestock fields, including cattle, poultry, aquatic animals, horses and bees. We are also working on improving livestock breeding,” he said.

The CEO stressed that the extensive research conducted over the years has led to the production of unique products that are compatible with Iran's climate.

“Although there are similar products of lower quality and effectiveness in the market, they are priced at least 10 times higher than our products,” he said.

“It is not possible to calculate the currency outflow in this industry, as there are no precise statistics, but since the company is producing its products completely domestically, it is preventing the forex outflow.” 

Khosroshahi said the company has created 10 jobs directly, but considering the workforce in the sales and distribution networks, the number of those employed indirectly is much higher.



Protein Concentrate Improves Quality, Volume of Honey

A knowledge-based company has produced a highly enriched protein concentrate to improve the quality and volume of honey produced in apiaries.

The protein concentrate enhances the productivity of bees and supplies amino acids, minerals and vitamins needed for the growth of bees and honey production.

The concentrate, which also includes sucrose, probiotics, multivitamins and organic acids, has been produced by Spadana Mokamel Company, the news portal of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology reported.

Increasing the immune resistance of honey bees and providing a strong stimulation for the queen to give birth to more bees are its main advantages.

At the end of the season, when fresh pollen is not available in Nature, food supplements should be added to honey bee’s nutrition, so that their population does not drop during the winter and with more newborn bees, the apiary will continue to have an active population.

Vitamins in protein concentrate are essential to help produce hormones and enzymes building up the biochemical vigor of all physiological processes. They help break down compounds to obtain energy or synthesize chemical compounds such as sugars, proteins, amino acids, fatty acids, phospholipids, neurotransmitters and nucleic acids.

The domestically produced protein concentrate has a lower price compared to its foreign counterparts, while preventing the outflow of foreign currency needed for importing it and creating many jobs.



Microalgae Help Boost Agro Output 

A knowledge-based company has produced microalgae products used to enrich soils with beneficial organic nutrients for increasing agro production.

“Soil enrichment is necessary for the photosynthesis and supply of nutrients to plants,” a member of the Board of Directors of Parsian Microalgae Production Company said.

“Soil enrichment helps eliminate the imbalance of plant nutrients and is effective in regulating water absorption,” Hamid Donyaei Daraian was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.

A healthy soil will be rich in nutrients, minerals and organic matter. Soil enrichment leads to a quantitative and qualitative increase in agricultural products that resist pests and diseases.

Some of the products of this company contain minerals and organic materials that help plant growth by boosting photosynthesis as well as its resistance against dehydration and risks of freezing.

Algae comprise the primary food chain and are considered the most nutritious food source in the world. They contain the most absorbable plant protein with effective biochemicals, such as beta-carotene.

The beta-carotene obtained from the company’s microalgae products is up to 10 times more effective against cancer and beneficial for the body than normal beta-carotene.

Algae also play an effective role in feeding poultry and aquatic animals, and increasing the quality of meat products.

In addition, algae are used in food supplements, hydrogen production, medicines and cosmetics, as well as for controlling pollution and treating wastewater.

“About 35 jobs have been created in the Parsian Microalgae Production Company and its soil enrichment products are supplied at a much lower price. The company has prevented a significant amount of currency outflow and is exploring export prospects to earn foreign currency,” he said.