Sci & Tech

Domestic Messengers Surveyed

The current report surveys the rising use of domestic messenger apps, as small businesses struggle to find a new footing and users weave their way across uncharted territory
Domestic Messengers Surveyed
Domestic Messengers Surveyed

The number of domestic messengers and social media application users has increased significantly in the past few months and shows a rising trend, but will these communication apps attract more users than well-known international messengers.
While the answer to this question varies among experts, officials and even CEOs of domestic messengers, it is clear that one of the main reasons behind their proliferation is the filtering of popular messengers and social media platforms after the nationwide protests in the past few months.
A report published by Peivast on the same subject indicates that the users of domestic messengers and social media apps have increased considerably over the past two and a half months.
The report cites statistics released by the Information and Communications Technologies Ministry, which show Eita, Bale and Rubika had 15.2 million, 9.8 million and 35 million active monthly users until Dec. 6, 2022. Compared with the statistics announced on Feb. 20, the number of monthly users of these platforms shows a rise of 6 million, 5 million and 3 million, respectively.


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