Sci & Tech

Domestic Curcumin Capsule Could Be Helpful in Adjunctive Therapy

A knowledge-based company has produced nanomicelle curcumin capsules that can be used for the prevention and treatment of different types of diseases
Domestic Curcumin Capsule Could Be Helpful in Adjunctive Therapy
Domestic Curcumin Capsule Could Be Helpful in Adjunctive Therapy

A domestic knowledge-based company has produced nanomicelle capsules with the therapeutic effects of turmeric, which have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cancer-prevention properties.
Produced by Exir Nano Sina Company with the support of Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council, the capsule has been marketed at a low price.
Many studies in the last century have shown the potential effects of curcumin as a valuable adjunctive therapy to supplement the treatment of a wide range of diseases, the news portal of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology reported.
Curcumin, a carotenoid compound found in turmeric, cannot be absorbed by the body because it does not dissolve in water, but the capsule contains a special kind of curcumin that is soluble in water. Therefore, the solubilization of curcumin in an aqueous environment is very important.


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