Sci & Tech

Nanotechnology Boosts Quality of Domestic Automotive Components

Two domestic companies have produced nanotech-based car lights and battery expander that respectively boast of higher durability and longer lifespan
Nanotechnology Boosts Quality of Domestic Automotive Components
Nanotechnology Boosts Quality of Domestic Automotive Components

Two domestic companies have developed nanotech-based car components, leading to highly durable car lights and longer-lasting car batteries.
Modern Industry Research Group uses a nanocoating on car light to increase its durability, color quality and transparency. It also produces high-quality reflectors, lenses and bezels of car lights with decorative nanocoatings, the news portal of Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council reported.
Following its long-term cooperation, the group is one of the main component suppliers of domestic car manufacturers, with an annual production capacity of over 6 million car headlights and side mirrors.


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