Sci & Tech

Domestic Self-Healing Asphalt Helps Reduce Accidents, Costs

A domestic knowledge-based company has produced a self-healing asphalt that can reduce road accidents, as it is more resistant to freezing and has anti-skid capability
Domestic Self-Healing Asphalt Helps Reduce Accidents, Costs
Domestic Self-Healing Asphalt Helps Reduce Accidents, Costs

A knowledge-based company has produced a smart self-healing asphalt (also known as rubber bitumen) that is cheaper than foreign counterparts.
The smart asphalt improves the quality of roads, reduces accidents and lowers the cost of repairs, according to one of the directors of the Zarrin Bitumen Technology Company.
“Infrastructures related to transportation are one of the important foundations of progress and development of a country,” Masoud Alizadeh was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.
He noted that the company has endeavored to develop the most up-to-date technologies in this field.


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