Sci & Tech

Iranian Scientists Find Innovative Method to Identify Animal Species  

Researchers of the Human and Animal Cell Bank of the Iranian Biological Resource Center have found an innovative method for identifying animal species
Iranian Scientists Find Innovative Method to Identify Animal Species  
Iranian Scientists Find Innovative Method to Identify Animal Species  

Researchers of the Human and Animal Cell Bank of the Iranian Biological Resource Center have introduced mitochondrial genes (the cell's energy production factory) as molecular markers for identifying animal species through studies and summation of numerous articles.
As species identification from a small amount of target sample poses a challenge, the scientists investigated various ways of using the copies of mitochondrial gene for finding the innovative method.
The review article, published in the international journal The Nucleus, was prepared by Dr. Zahra Eliasi Gorji, the lead researcher from the Human and Animal Cell Bank, along with her colleagues, IRNA reported.
Mitochondrial genes (also known as mitochondrial DNA) are circular chromosomes found inside cellular organelles called mitochondria. These genes are referred to as energy factories and powerhouses for producing the cell’s main energy-carrying molecule called adenosine triphosphate.


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