Sci & Tech

Domestic Industrial V-Belts Multipurpose, Long Lasting

A knowledge-based company has produced V-belts that can be used in numerous industrial machinery
Domestic Industrial V-Belts Multipurpose, Long Lasting
Domestic Industrial V-Belts Multipurpose, Long Lasting

A domestic knowledge-based company has produced different types of high quality and long lasting V-belts that have wide applications in industries.
Basically used to transfer power from one part of a machine to another, V-belts are among the most important belts in the industry, according to a member of the Board of Directors of Shahab Tasme Asia Company.
“V-shaped belts are one of the power transmission belts. We try to meet the needs of the country in this field by producing this product domestically,” Davoud Rezavand was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.
These multipurpose industrial V-belts are used in the machinery of most light and heavy industries, such as petrochemicals, construction, wood and paper, automotive and mining.



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