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App Spurs Motivation to Exercise 

A domestic knowledge-based company has developed an application that encourages people to exercise and improve fitness, while allocating points that are tradable

A domestic knowledge-based company has developed an application that encourages people to exercise and improve fitness.

Inogam is a collection of software that motivates users to exercise, according to a member of the Board of Directors of Yekta Kuknos Pars Distributed Information and Financial Technologies Company (also known as Kuknos).

“By performing physical activities such as walking, running, cycling and even participating in sports, Inogam allocates points to user’s accounts,” Mehdi Gholami was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.

“The basis of this application is based on the dedication and trust of users and the promotion of public sports culture that follows different models and ways to collect points that are tradable,” he added.

In other words, users can participate in a sport event, or just do their daily exercise and collect points. 

Gholami noted that participation in educational and sports courses, visits to doctors and trainers in the field of health and fitness, shopping at sporting goods stores and receiving discounts for concerts, cinemas, swimming pools, etc. are the most important ways of spending the points acquired through the application.

Users receive various graphs and reports on health indicators, such as weight control and management, as well as comparative ranking among different campaigns and groups in the user’s place of residence and neighborhood, which can also be shared on the social media.

“Depending to their location, users can participate in all kinds of competitions and festivals held on virtual networks. In addition to testing their personal abilities, they also receive prizes,” he said.

“Trainers and doctors active in the field of health and fitness can also use this application to monitor the performance of their clients and boost motivation and competition in users by setting up different groups.”

About 1,500 sports coaches are earning money through this Iranian software, which has been developed and backed by a 25-strong workforce.



Business System Builder Developed

A domestic knowledge-based company has produced a system builder to help businesses and organizations reduce their operational costs and increase efficiency. 

System Saz Ario (Ario System Builder) is a tool for developing customized systems to ease commercial and administrative operations, according to the CEO of Rasaneh Saz Company. 

“The system builder helps develop information systems according to the needs and type of the entity at the lowest possible cost and time,” Borzou Naderlouei was also quoted as saying by the news portal of Vice Presidency for Science and Technology. 

“Form and Report Generator, Business Intelligence, Business Process Management Systems, and Rule Engine and Security Service are among the main parts of this system builder,” he added.

Naderlouei noted that the system builder provides easy-to-use controls, offers reliable operational facilities, significantly reduces production time and increases the quality of operations. 

He stated that the production of a new system according to the needs of a business or organization, the ability to expand and upgrade the system, as well as the ability to monitor and optimize all operations, are also facilitated by System Saz. 

“Identifying the bottlenecks of organizational processes, making modifications, identifying opportunities, improving related processes to increase customer satisfaction and enhancing the coordination and speed of the processing cycle are other advantages of this software,” he said. 

“Creating the ability to increase the flexibility of the system to meet all the needs of users, not depending on isolated systems, fully matching the software with the needs of the organization, integrating with other information systems, reducing production costs, extending support and handling purchases are also made possible by the system builder.” 

The CEO of the knowledge-based company stated that the software prevents the entry of duplicate information and redundant data in different parts of the business or organization, and helps produce an unlimited number of systems. 

Naderlouei noted that 10 direct jobs have been created in this knowledge-based company.



First-Ever QRNG Developed in Iran

A knowledge-based company has produced a Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG), which is exclusively patented by a few countries, for the first time in Iran. 

QRNGs are used in various fields such as information security, financial security and computing. 

All digital systems that use encryption algorithms for any purpose, from simple alarm systems to computers and servers of sensitive centers, all have a random number generation process or system that they use as their encryption key generator. 

QRNG produced by the domestic company generates quantum random numbers at a high and acceptable rate, with the help of the laws of quantum mechanics, using laser phase noise. These random numbers are available to users through standard communication mechanisms.

Generating random numbers with an unpredictable pattern is necessary in sensitive communication systems. 

In systems based on quantum cryptography, QRNG is used as the main core of data production related to cryptography, and it is considered an essential requirement for such security systems. 

If quantum cryptographic systems use classical sources of random number generation, they will suffer from security weakness and flaws, and make the systems vulnerable to attacks.

Quantum random number generators also strengthen current classical cryptographic systems and improve their security to a great extent.

The device can also be used in research departments related to the development of quantum and biotech technologies. It can be used in encryption systems, neural network calculations, one-time password generation and as the central core of random number generation system.

The device is necessary for banks, military centers for generating codes in border and war communication systems, research centers performing simulations, academic centers and biological and physical research institutes that need to produce unpredictable codes and random numbers.

The Iranian quantum random number generation system is the first industrial product in the field of quantum technology in West Asia and the first truly secure random generator, providing data security in post-quantum encryption systems and completely safe random numbers at a rate of 500 megabits per second.