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Iranian Concentrate Improves Quality and Volume of Honey

A domestic knowledge-based company has produced a highly enriched protein concentrate with a price advantage over foreign counterparts

A knowledge-based company has produced a highly enriched protein concentrate to improve the quality and volume of honey produced in apiaries.

Protein concentrate enhances the productivity of bees and supplies amino acids, minerals and vitamins needed for the the growth of bees and honey production.

The concentrate, which also includes sucrose, probiotics, multivitamins and organic acids, has been produced by Spadana Mokamel Company, the news portal of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology reported.

Increasing the immune resistance of honey bees and providing a strong stimulation for the queen to give birth to more bees are its main advantages.

At the end of the season, when fresh pollen is not available in Nature, food supplements should be added to honey bee’s nutrition, so that their population does not drop during the winter and with more newborn bees, there will be an active population in the apiary.

Vitamins in protein concentrate are essential to help produce hormones and enzymes building up the biochemical vigor of all physiological processes. They help break down compounds to obtain energy or synthesize chemical compounds such as sugars, proteins, amino acids, fatty acids, phospholipids, neurotransmitters and nucleic acids.

The domestically produced protein concentrate has a lower price compared to its foreign counterparts, while preventing the outflow of foreign currency needed for importing it and creating many jobs.



Increasing Agro Efficiency

Another knowledge-based company has developed an application that helps farmers increase the agricultural efficiency of their land.

The application was developed by Tukan Fater Maham Company with the help of geomatics technology, which allows farmers to increase crop production.

The Jalizan Monitoring App is a smart agricultural assistant that uses artificial intelligence and synergizes the knowledge of agricultural experts.

By monitoring all the stages of planting, growing and harvesting, Jalizan can improve productivity, reduce costs and increase production, apart from helping sell th3ir products online at real prices and providing higher income for farmers.

The Jalizan application checks the status of the farm from the beginning of crop cultivation up to post-harvest, in addition to sending messages to the farmer's user account installed on his phone, such as crop safety, growth and production.



Multitasking Fogging Machine More Efficient, Cost-Effective 

A knowledge-based company has developed an agricultural spraying device that can also be employed for environmental disinfection through thermal fogging for the first time in Iran.

The decision to combat the Covid-19 pandemic required the import of a large number of such machines, but domestic models were modified after research to handle medical disinfection, alongside their agricultural functions.

“Thermal fogging machine disperses the spray material in the form of fog with dimensions of 5-50 microns,” Abazar Vahdat, the CEO of knowledge-based Sepid Pajuhan Pars Company, was quoted as saying by the news portal of Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology. 

The machine is designed in two models that can be attached to the back of a van or a car. 

The best way to repel greenhouse pests and various plant diseases is the fogging method and any type of water-soluble pesticide can be used in such machines. The new model has also reduced the spraying time compared with traditional methods.

In addition to disinfection, the thermal machine has other features such as generating humidity in the greenhouse, preventing frost and blocking the invasion of fungi, insects and small animals in silos and warehouses. 

Every year, some crops suffer from frost damage. The methods used in Iran to deal with this problem are expensive and inefficient, but this device creates a layer of fog that shields the plants from frost damage.

Some small pests such as whiteflies or thrips were not destroyed by the previous spraying method and this caused problems for greenhouse owners. The device has solved this problem with its special mode of spraying and reduced pesticide consumption in the agricultural sector by 80%. A mist produced by the machine can also be used to prevent infectious diseases such as leishmaniasis.

It significantly reduces the cost of equipment and manpower, while reducing 99% of water consumption required for spraying. It carries a 10-year warranty for parts and services and, a one-year warranty on engine and main parts.

Heat sprayers have been exported to Armenia and Azerbaijan, but as only Iran and Turkey possess the knowhow to produce this machine in the region, it has high export potentials.