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Cellphone Registry Disruption Troubles Buyers, Businesses

Recently, Hamta notifications faced wide-scale disruptions, which created financial and legal risks for cellphone buyers
Cellphone Registry Disruption Troubles Buyers, Businesses
Cellphone Registry Disruption Troubles Buyers, Businesses

Some cellphone buyers could not register their devices via the system named Hamta, which caused problems for both buyers and sellers. 
Recently, Hamta notifications faced wide-scale disruptions, which created financial and legal risks for cellphone buyers, ICT News Agency reported. 
Operators of the cellphone registry system have admitted that the problem mainly concerns the SIM cards of Hamrahe Aval, the brand name used by the Mobile Communications Company of Iran, which is a subsidiary of the Telecommunications Company of Iran.
Apparently, TCI’s financial disputes with the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade and the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology have given rise to such a problem.


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