Sci & Tech

Domestic Anesthesia Machine Ensures Safety of Operation

A knowledge-based company has produced an anesthesia machine that is sold at half the price of its foreign counterparts with the same quality and capabilities
Domestic Anesthesia Machine Ensures Safety of Operation
Domestic Anesthesia Machine Ensures Safety of Operation

A knowledge-based company has designed an anesthesia machine with a price advantage over foreign counterparts.
The anesthesia machine monitors the patient's breathing during surgery and ensures the safety of operation.
A member of the Board of Directors of Premiere Electromedical Care Company explained that the anesthesia machine is one of the basic devices of operating room and many sensitive operations cannot be conducted without this machine.
“The main function of the anesthesia machine is to control the patient's breathing during surgery, followed by anesthesia,” Fatemeh Norouzi was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology.


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