Sci & Tech

Two Software Monitor Safety of Server Rooms, Building Structure 

Two domestic knowledge-based companies have developed monitoring software for monitoring server rooms and the safety of building structures
Two Software Monitor Safety of Server Rooms, Building Structure 
Two Software Monitor Safety of Server Rooms, Building Structure 

Two domestic knowledge-based companies have developed software for monitoring the safety of server rooms and building structure to prevent irreparable costs.
Paz Andish Company has designed a server room monitoring software to control different variables in a server room.
“Dideban is a software that can be modular and give more control to any connected sensor,” Reza Mohammadi, a member of the company’s Board of Directors, was quoted as saying by the news portal of Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology.
As a vital unit of every company, the server room needs round-the-clock monitoring that can be conducted by the Dideban software.
The software can inform the server room manager of the temperature, humidity and other variables of the server room via text message and also send a warning message when any of these factors reach a dangerous level.


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