Sci & Tech

Domestic CNC Precision Cutting Machine Efficient, Low-Priced  

Domestic CNC Precision Cutting Machine Efficient, Low-Priced  
Domestic CNC Precision Cutting Machine Efficient, Low-Priced  

A domestic knowledge-based company has designed and produced a computer numerical control (CNC) precision cutting machine with a lower price compared with foreign counterparts.
Precision cutting machines are among major pieces of equipment used in a variety of industries and fields, the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology reported.
“CNC design and manufacturing devices are complex and vital machines used in most industries. We have strived to expand our activities in this sector and produce Iranian knowledge-based products,” said Mehdi Mehdipour Aqabaqer, CEO of Sadrafan Gostar Machine Tool and Automation Technology Development Company.
Many molds and industrial parts or models are first designed in 3D using software and then produced by CNC machines. 


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