Sci & Tech

Phone Imports Decline in Q1

The number and value of smartphone imports decreased by 26.6% and 11.64% respectively year-on-year in the first quarter of the current fiscal year (March 21-June 21)
Phone Imports Decline in Q1
Phone Imports Decline in Q1

Phones and smartphone imports decreased in the first quarter of the current fiscal year (March 21-June 21), according to the deputy head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration.
The total imports of smartphones stood at 33,900 devices worth $727.86 million in Q1, while Iran imported 4.14 million devices worth $823.77 in the same quarter of the previous year.
“Phone imports during the three-month period registered a 26.6% and 11.64% decline in terms of number and value year-on-year, respectively,” Foroud Asgari was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
From the total smartphone imports in the current fiscal year, a total of 150.32 million devices worth $180.46 million belonged to phones worth over $600, which accounted for 4.9% and 24.7% of the total phone imports’ number and value, respectively.


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