Sci & Tech

Smart Polymer Gel Developed 

The smart polymer gel has been developed by a domestic knowledge-based company to prevent the outflow of foreign currency 
Smart Polymer Gel Developed 
Smart Polymer Gel Developed 

A domestic knowledge-based company has designed a smart polymer gel that has a price advantage over foreign counterparts and can significantly prevent the outflow of foreign currency.
The smart polymer gel is used in the oil industry to prevent the extraction of water along with oil. 
“Smart polymer gel helps prevent water from mixing with oil because the water is salty and causes problems in the extraction process,” Salman Qorbanizadeh, CEO of Petro Vision Pasargad Oil and Gas Project Management Company, was quoted as saying by the news portal of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology.
The polymer gel is injected into the oil well such that oil passes through it and keeps the water underground.


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