Sci & Tech

Smartphone Prices Ascending

Smartphone prices in the market are experiencing a noticeable rise and experts believe that the situation will worsen
Smartphone Prices Ascending
Smartphone Prices Ascending

The prices of smartphones continue to rise after a 15% increase in the first month of the current fiscal year (March 21-April 20) compared to the previous month (Feb. 20-March 20).
Market players and importers believe that the prices of smartphones will continue to rise and experience a 5-10% increase in the coming weeks.
A market survey shows prices have increased by about 30% in the past three months, Peivast reported. 
Last year, the mobile phone market was relatively calm and prices were competitive. However, the situation took a turn for the worse in the fourth quarter of the fiscal 2021-22 (Dec. 21, 2021-March 20).


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