Sci & Tech

Multifunction Transducer Developed

A domestic knowledge-based company has developed a multifunction transducer that can monitor the power grid in large and small industrial complexes
Multifunction Transducer Developed
Multifunction Transducer Developed

A knowledge-based company has designed and manufactured a multifunction transducer that can be used to monitor the power grid in large and small industrial complexes.
“In digital devices, especially digital measuring devices, one of the most important concerns is how to deal with an analog quantity,” Mohammad Reza Hashemi, CEO of Farayand Niroopardaz Company, said.
Hashemi pointed out that the multifunction transducer is based on the latest electronic technology, the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology reported.
The main function of transducers is to convert one type of energy into another. There is no limit to the type of energy, as they convert each of the electrical, chemical, mechanical and thermal forms of energy. 


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