Sci & Tech

Advanced Compressor Developed

A domestic company has produced a centrifugal compressor that is lighter and more energy efficient, and has low maintenance cost
Advanced Compressor Developed
Advanced Compressor Developed

A domestic knowledge-based company has successfully developed a high-speed, high-pressure centrifugal compressor, which has many advantages compared to older models.
“The equipment is used in the oil and gas industry to compress condensates and gas. In some machines, air is compressed and sent to the combustion chamber,” Alireza Nasseri, a member of the board of directors of Kavosh Sanat Toos Company, said.
As a great deal of mechanical energy is expended, the temperature of the compressed gas also rises. High-pressure gas from the compressors is then passed through a cooling system to lower temperature, the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology reported.
One of the features of a centrifugal compressor is its radial thrust flow. The air enters the center of the rotating impeller using radial vanes and is expelled by centrifugal forces to the rotating impeller. Before air is pushed to the center of the next rotating impeller, it passes through a diffuser and a coil chamber, in which the kinetic energy is converted to static pressure.


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