Sci & Tech

More Fiscal Relief Packages for Provincial Startups, Tech Firms

Government officials have rolled out financial aid for tech firms and startups in several provinces to accelerate the growth of their local technology ecosystems
More Fiscal Relief Packages for Provincial Startups, Tech Firms
More Fiscal Relief Packages for Provincial Startups, Tech Firms

Government officials have declared startup ecosystem Iran's future business sector, as it has the potential to reduce the country's reliance on natural resource sales and boost economic growth.
State agencies have consequently rolled out more loan and aid packages to help the sector expand over the past few years.
According to IRNA, financial assistance was recently granted to startups and technology teams of Qazvin Province.
According to Ali Vahdat, CEO of the state-backed Iran National Innovation Fund, his organization has granted 1.47 trillion rials ($5.25 million) to help Qazvin tech teams spread their wings.
"Early this year [March 2021], INIF decided to lend 2.16 trillion rials [$7.71 million] to the Qazvin technology ecosystem. The fund will make every effort to provide the remaining 690 billion rials [$2.46 million] by the end of the current fiscal year [March 2022] in order to meet the current year's commitment," he said.


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