Sci & Tech

Educational Packages to Help Develop Tech Firms, Startups

In an effort to accelerate the growth of knowledge-based companies, the Vice Presidential Office for Science and Technology is to offer advanced educational courses
Educational Packages to Help Develop Tech Firms, Startups
Educational Packages to Help Develop Tech Firms, Startups

The Vice Presidential Office of Science and Technology has held 384 educational courses in a range of subjects to assist the development of tech-based firms and startups.
The educational and training packages, organized and funded by the vice presidential office's International Technology Relations Department, will be provided to applicants as online or in-person courses at a number of authorized institutions across the country, reported.
Machinery development, power and electronics, advanced materials, information and communications technologies, modern medicine, medical equipment, ecological technology, commercialization, international negotiations and economic policies, global marketing management, international correspondence, exports and international business basics are among the topics covered in the courses.
According to the report, the vice presidential office pays for over 70% of the course fee, while applicant teams and companies benefit from advanced training material for 30% of the cost.


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