Sci & Tech

Iran’s Tech Ecosystem Bolsters Efforts for Combating Covid-19

Technology firms at Shiraz University of Medial Science have unveiled 18 new medical items to strengthen health protection against the deadly Covid-19
Iran’s Tech Ecosystem Bolsters Efforts for Combating Covid-19
Iran’s Tech Ecosystem Bolsters Efforts for Combating Covid-19

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in Iran in February 2020, local tech-based enterprises have stepped up efforts to help fight the deadly disease. 
Like many other countries in the early days of the pandemic, Iran encountered difficulties in producing personal protective equipment to fulfill domestic demand.
Knowledge-based enterprises stepped in to fill the domestic shortfall in developing health products to combat the virus.
According to local media, the tech ecosystem produced clinical equipment, Covid-19 test kits, facemasks, medicines and sanitizers that were game-changers in the early days of the outbreak.


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