Sci & Tech

INIF Supporting Tech Exports

State-backed funding are available for Iranian knowledge-based enterprises and startups to exhibit their products in Iran's tech exhibition centers in other countries
INIF Supporting Tech Exports
INIF Supporting Tech Exports

Iran National Innovation Fund, affiliated with the Vice Presidential Office for Science and Technology, pays tech companies 1.2 billion rials ($4,800) to help them exhibit their products in neighboring countries.
The annual expenses of knowledge-based companies and startups at the tech centers reach 1.7 billion rials ($6,800) plus a small part of their sale, according to Siavash Malekifar, a deputy head of the fund.
The grant from INIF covers 70% of the funds required, Mehr News Agency reported.
“The initiative is aimed at strengthening Iran's scientific and economic ties with the target countries, allowing local knowledge-based businesses to market and sell their products,” he said.


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