Sci & Tech

Smart Tech to Help Guard Golestan National Park Against Wildfires

Smart Tech to Help Guard Golestan National Park Against Wildfires
Smart Tech to Help Guard Golestan National Park Against Wildfires

A smart fire detection and alarm system is to be launched in Golestan National Park in a matter of weeks to protect its natural reserves from destruction caused by conflagrations.
According to the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies, the Telecommunications Infrastructure Company has established almost all the ICT infrastructure required for the scheme.
According to the ICT Ministry, the installation of communication cables and fiber optic facilities has been completed and a radio talkback system provides two-way and real-time connection between the park’s monitoring stations. 
The watchdog stations are also equipped with 34 MBps internet access and permanent power supply through diesel generators.
The company reported that the advanced fire alarm system works by remote temperature and moisture sensing, the internet of things and satellite imagery.
IoT-enhanced flame detectors precisely detect and immediately report fire in the woodland.


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