Sci & Tech

IAU Launches Technology Fund

Established with an initial investment of 200 billion rials ($932,400), Islamic Azad University’s tech fund will provide fledgling startups with loans, offer legal consultancy and help implement tech projects
IAU Launches Technology Fund
IAU Launches Technology Fund

Iran’s Islamic Azad University has inaugurated a research and technology fund to back new tech teams and startups throughout the country.
During a Wednesday event, Saeed Askari, the head of the fund, said the institution has been established with an initial investment of 200 billion rials ($932,400) supplied by IAU’s resources and private investors, IRNA reported.
“With numerous branches all over the country, Islamic Azad University has a nationwide reach. Similarly, its tech fund is mandated to aid the growing technology ecosystem not only in the academic atmosphere but also on a nationwide scale,” Askari added.
The fund will provide fledgling startups with loans, offer legal consultancy and help implement tech projects.


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