Sci & Tech

SAIPA Strengthening Ties With Technological Firms

The domestic auto industry has investing in self-sufficiency over the past several years, though there are shortcomings in the production of technologically sophisticated parts
SAIPA Strengthening Ties With Technological Firms
SAIPA Strengthening Ties With Technological Firms

Iran’s major automaker SAIPA has taken another step for localizing and technologically upgrading its auto production by forging contracts with 48 knowledge-based and tech companies.
During a press conference on Wednesday, SAIPA’s CEO Seyyed Javad Soleimani said the company has recently signed a contract with 48 tech firms and knowledge-based companies to boost the localization of auto parts, ISNA reported.
The deals mostly deal with the production of high-tech auto parts that are usually imported. 
According to Soleimani, the domestic auto industry has invested in self-sufficiency over the past several years, though there are shortcomings in the production of technologically sophisticated parts. 
“The initiative is expected to curb the company’s reliance on foreign suppliers,” he said.


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