Sci & Tech

Iran, Uzbekistan Explore Expansion of Tech Ties

Iranian and Uzbek officials met in a two-day business gathering last week to discuss the potential ways of expanding tech ties
Iran, Uzbekistan Explore Expansion of Tech Ties
Iran, Uzbekistan Explore Expansion of Tech Ties

An Iranian delegation attended a business forum held in the Uzbek capital city Tashkent late last week, discussing ways of expanding ties in different fields, including technology.
The Iranian team was headed by Industries Minister Reza Rahmani and a senior official of the Vice Presidential Office for Science and Technology, Mehdi Qalenoi. Directors of over 100 local companies also attended the event, 14 of which were knowledge-based firms, the office's website reported.
The event was aimed at promoting interactions with regional countries and discussing prospects of implementing joint trade, economic and investment projects.
Addressing the forum, Rahmani stressed the importance of developing bilateral relations, particularly in the industrial field.


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