Sci & Tech

Iran: Aviation Agencies Invest $46m in Technology Companies, Startups

The investment agreements were made during a two-day event organized by Iran National Innovation Fund and the Center for Progress and Development of Iran
Iran: Aviation Agencies Invest $46m in Technology Companies, Startups
Iran: Aviation Agencies Invest $46m in Technology Companies, Startups

Iran's private and public aviation firms and agencies signed 163 agreements worth 6 trillion rials ($46.15 million) with local knowledge-based companies and startups during a two-day technology event. 
The move was aimed at employing smart solutions in strengthening the domestic aviation sector. 
Organized by two state-backed organizations, Iran National Innovation Fund and the Center for Progress and Development of Iran, the tech gathering was held in Tehran on Dec. 3-4, INIF's website reported.
Siavash Malekifar, INIF's deputy for development, said the event hosted over 280 knowledge-based companies and startups, and concluded with constructive agreements with aviation industry players during 185 business-to-business meetings.


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