Sci & Tech

$15.6 Million ICT Projects Come on Stream in Yazd

ICT Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi inaugurated 432 projects on streamlining communication infrastructures across Yazd Province’s urban and rural areas
$15.6 Million ICT Projects Come on Stream in Yazd
$15.6 Million ICT Projects Come on Stream in Yazd

In line with the government's efforts to upgrade ICT infrastructure throughout Iran, several projects worth 1.8 trillion rials ($15.6 million) were inaugurated in the central province of Yazd on Sunday.
During a visit to the province, Information and Communications Technologies Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi inaugurated 432 projects on streamlining communication infrastructures across Yazd Province, including urban and rural areas, the ministry's website reported.
Expanding fiber-optic networks, improving the capacity of data transfer over copper and wireless broadband, installing routers, boosting broadband internet speed in home connections, launching a solar power plant with a generating capacity of 20 kilowatts, and reinforcing flood barriers to protect the installed fiber optic networks were among projects launched in the province.


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