The ninth edition of Iran Web and Mobile Festival was held in Tehran on February 16 and was attended by 1,000 enthusiasts and experts.
From among six candidates the Financial Tribune was selected by judges as the top website in the 'Economic News' category.
Organizers said 4,203 mobile applications and 15,253 websites had registered to compete in the event.
Websites and mobile applications were presented in 77 and 20 categories respectively. There were two winners in every category: the judges pick as well as the people's choice that were registered online.
Some notable website categories included games, education, financial and banking services, hotels and reservations, video sharing, cinema and theatre, music, travel and tourism to name a few.
Top websites to win a prize this year included Torob in price comparison, Jobinja in job hunting, Puzzley in website and application creation, Mamanpaz and Chilevery in food delivery and Oostaa in service and product review category.
Furthermore, noteworthy mobile application categories included health and fitness, ecommerce, sports and transportation among others.
On the sidelines of the conference workshops and panels were held on various issues such as search engine optimization, mobile payments and digital marketing.
The event had many sponsors including the online ordering website Chilivery. In addition, media sponsors included the Financial Tribune,, and local web news agency WEBNA.
The ninth edition of IWMF, however, also received its fair share of criticism online. Questioning the validity of the results, users suggested on Twitter [#iwmf95] that the number of event sponsors to win prizes was considerable.
The annual gathering is organized by the Iranian Guild for Internet-Based Businesses and sponsored by the e-Commerce Development Center affiliated to the Ministry of Industries, Mines, and Trade.
Shayan Shalileh, founder and managing director of Anetwork (an online advertising network) launched the festival in 2009.
At that time it focused basically on websites. Other organizers of the event, Milad Ahrampoush, and Mohsen Barati created the Iran App Festival in 2014. The two events were later merged.