
Need to Improve Life for the Disabled

Need to Improve Life for the Disabled
Need to Improve Life for the Disabled

Less than 30% of urban and public spaces in Iran are retrofitted for the disabled, head of rehabilitation office of the State Welfare Organization of Iran said. 
Kazem Nazmdeh told ISNA lack of accessibility of the disabled to public facilities has long been ignored as most public areas lack reasonable adjustment to their physical impairment.
According to the Statistical Center of Iran, the total number of people with at least one type of disability (physical, hearing, visual, and mental) in the country exceeds 11 million, which is 13.5% of the total 81 million population.
However, those registered by SWO are close to1.5 million, of which 100,000 have chronic conditions of disability and in care centers affiliated to the state organization. 


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