More features are to be included in the Iranian Red Crescent Society’s (IRCS) ‘Health Journey’ campaign, which is aimed to help the government in its health reform program. So far the society has made its presence felt in five provinces – with Ilam Province being the latest stop, said the director of the Youth Wing & Volunteer Development Program of IRCS.
‘’We are featuring ‘health tunnels’ in our campaigns to offer people services in first aid training, measuring blood pressure and blood sugar and nutrition improvement techniques,’’ Farahnaz Rafe was quoted as saying by ILNA.
The campaign had so far focused its programs on training, prevention and treatment methods delivered by Red Crescent volunteers to raise awareness in cities and small towns.
Rafe said as part of the health campaign, the society’s counselors and psychologists will offer “familial and relationship advice” to people in special tents set up for such purposes.
‘’The number of tents set up during each campaign depends on the capacity of the province and the participation level of the people but on average there are more that 20 tents set up in every town,’’ she said.
The’ health stops’ as they are called, offer free health care services to local residents, including medical examination by GPs and specialists as well as dental care.
‘’HIV and drug abuse prevention stops are also running at ‘Health Tunnels’ and ‘Hope Tunnels,’ providing services to the affected people,’’ Rafe said.
She said ‘Rain Plan,’ another feature of the campaign, promotes food programs with the help of philanthropists and charitable organizations. The plan also covers treatment and education expenses of needy individuals.
‘’Philanthropists contribute through other venues by donating funds or endowing lands for the construction of Hope Houses or Health Houses as well as help build the centers,’’ she added.