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Aspirin May Cut Breast Cancer Risk

Taking low-dose aspirin at least three times per week may reduce women’s risk of breast cancer by 16%, a new study suggests, Medical News Today reported. Study co-author Leslie Bernstein, Ph.D., of the Division of Biomarkers of Early Detection and Prevention at the City of Hope Beckman Research Institute in Monrovia, CA, and colleagues recently reported their findings in the journal Breast Cancer Research. Researchers came to their findings by analyzing the data of 57,164 women who were part of the California’s Teachers Study, which monitored the health of more than 133,000 teachers and administrators in California since 1995. By January 2013, 1,457 women had developed invasive breast cancer. Researchers found that women who reported using low-dose aspirin at least three times weekly were 16% less likely to develop breast cancer, compared with women who used low-dose aspirin less frequently.