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New Academic Study Finds Life Expectancy on the Rise

The life expectancy of people in developed countries keeps going up, according to research by London scientists. In some places it could soon be more than 90 - and the gap between men and women is decreasing, too.

People keep living longer, but researchers had always doubted that life expectancy would ever extend beyond 90. Yet scientists from Imperial College in London have now confirmed exactly that, Deutsche Welle reports.

A research group at the university analyzed data from 35 industrial countries and published its findings in the professional journal “The Lancet.” The study also shows that the gap between men and women in terms of life expectancy is set to narrow by the year 2030. This was calculated on the basis of a statistical model, and using birth and death data from the World Health Organization (WHO). According to this, there is at least 85% likelihood that life expectancy for men in all these countries will rise; the likelihood for women is 65%.

 Highest Levels for South Korea

There are, however, regional differences. When it comes to living past the age of 90, women in South Korea are 57% likely to do so. Vasilis Kontis from the Imperial College research group told DW that this was because of improvements in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. He explained that compared to people in other countries, in South Korea fewer are overweight, and there are fewer smokers. Kontis says life expectancy in South Korea will probably continue to rise because of the country’s improved economic situation.

According to the study, women from France, Spain and Japan live almost as long as South Korean women. In Germany, too, people keep living longer: The current life expectancy of men is around 78, but according to the study this will rise to almost 82 by the year 2030, by which time German women can expect to live to almost 86 - three years longer than at present.

 Similar Life Expectancy for 

Men and Women

These figures also show that the difference in life expectancy between women and men is shrinking. The study says the fact that women in these countries live longer than men is also partly because it is more common for men there to suffer fatal injuries, and they are more likely to smoke, which increases their risk of developing conditions like lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.  The Lancet quotes the study leader Professor Majid Ezzati as saying: “Our prognoses of longer life expectancy are proof of the successes in healthcare.” He added that it was important for political leaders to support the increasingly aging population.