A tragic incident in a Boroujerd high school in Lorestan Province on November 22, when a first grade student attacked his physics teacher and stabbed him in the neck with a knife, has left the education community shaken. The teacher Mohsen Khashkhashi succumbed to his injuries in hospital. The student is absconding.
This is the first time such a shocking incident has occurred in a classroom in Iran leaving the educational fraternity dumbstruck. Minister of Education Ali Asghar Fani officially condoled the death of Khashkhashi and announced that “authorities at the ministry are analyzing the social and behavioral aspects of the incident.” It is the ministry’s responsibility to stand up for the rights and dignity of all teachers. He assured that justice would be done to Khashkhashi’s family and the judicial system will closely investigate the case.
Head of the information center and public affairs at the ministry of education, Rasool Papa’i, stated that the case has drawn serious attention and the ministry would “defend the rights of the family of the deceased.” The ministry is planning to devise a charter for teachers’ rights to ensure “their peace of mind and safety in classrooms. What mustn’t be forgotten is that this is the first such instance and it cannot be said that classrooms were unsafe before.”
He added that school counseling is a serious matter which could help students and must be given more serious attention.
A large part of the community including school principals, teachers, students, and parents are all constituents of the education portfolio, which creates a massive potential in this sector. A website will be launched where complaints from students’ families and teachers can be filed, said Rahim Mirshah Valad, head of performance assessment at the ministry of education.
Meanwhile, the National Teachers’ Guild observed Saturday (Nov 29) as a day of mourning. Teachers dressed in black and addressed students on the consequences of violence in schools.
Such instances must thoroughly be investigated by officials, Esmail Abdi secretary general of the guild stressed. He said reports indicate “the rate of violent behavior in schools is dangerously high and the issue is severe more so in underserved and outlying areas.”
On the other hand, schools should offer a lively environment. The curriculum, replete with difficult courses, is frustrating for students and engenders hatred.
Often, school and family pressure on students to achieve higher grades “for the sake of their own prestige,” causes depression and frustration among students who fail to meet the expectations. This can eventually lead to violent behavior.
A charter has been devised to defend the rights of students. Teachers also had demanded a similar charter to uphold their rights, he added.