Cramming all your recommended weekly exercise into one or two weekend sessions is enough to produce important health benefits. The findings are based on a survey of about 64,000 adults aged over 40 in England and Scotland.
Researchers from Loughborough University and the University of Sydney found that no matter how often people exercised in a week or for how long, the health benefits were similar as long as they met the activity guidelines, BBC News website reported.
Compared with those who didn’t exercise at all, people who did some kind of physical activity - whether regularly or irregularly - showed a lower risk of dying from cancer and from cardiovascular disease (CVD). “Weekend warriors,” who did all their exercise on one or two days of the week, were found to lower their risk of dying from CVD by 41% and cancer by 18%, compared with the inactive, the researchers said in an article published online in JAMA Internal Medicine.