A charity organization is offering free courses on acquiring work skills as well as job opportunities for the disabled in Tehran.
The Ra’ad al-Ghadir Charity Organization, which was founded in 2000, also provides free dental services for the physically challenged as well as rehabilitation services and speech therapy for children.
Disabled people in the age group 16 to 35 years can apply for job opportunities and vocational skills in computer science, tailoring, and other vocations. Children qualify for physical rehabilitation from infancy up to the age of 12.
The organization has four centers across Tehran with the main office located in Jeyhoon Street. Candidates can call the number 66305352-4 from 8 am to 4 pm for queries and to apply for the services required.
Ali Soltanzadeh, director of the charity, called on the public to introduce people with physical and motor (not mental) disability to the charity to receive training for free to help t hem get jobs.
Placements After Training
Over 2,000 disabled people have been trained in various skills so far, and 660 have found jobs, he told IRNA.
“Each term (three months), between 100 and 120 disabled people receive training in certain skills. At the end of the course, they either take up a career themselves or are introduced to factories and workshops by the institute for placements,” he said.
The cost of education for each disabled person is 3.3 million rials ($85) per month. The State Welfare Organization pays a monthly amount of 3.4 million rials ($87) each for 40 of the 120 learners at present and the rest of the costs are met by philanthropists.
“In general, 50% of the institute’s expenses are covered by philanthropists, 25% earned from the institute’s manufacturing workshops and the rest from government subsidies,” said Soltanzadeh, who is in his seventies.
Lack of space for educational programs and cultural activities such as lessons on life skills, communication and interaction skills, are some of the challenges faced by the institute.
Soltanzadeh called on the authorities and the public, especially entrepreneurs and owners of industries and manufacturing workshops, to introduce to the institute any opportunities for employment of the physically challenged. The SWO pays insurance of disabled employees and the Ra’ad charity can provide the training for vocational skills.
He urged government organizations to handle administrative affairs of charities without delay as cumbersome procedures often impede the work of such institutions.
The charity has branches in 16 cities including Bandar Abbas, Zahedan, Bushehr, Kashan, Hamedan and Sabzevar.