• People

    Over 60% Of Iranians Are Homeowners

    An estimated 64.4% of Iranian households live in privately-owned properties, while 25.8% live in leased properties; 0.8% occupy residences in return for their services and 9% live free of charge, says a new report by the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) based on a survey conducted last year (March 21, 2013 - March 20, 2014) on various residential occupancy units in Iran.

    The report shows that 17.4% of Iranian households reside in reinforced concrete buildings, while 25.5% live in buildings mostly made of steel structures, 2.8% in concrete block masonry buildings, 6.0% in reinforced brick masonry buildings, 42.4% in unreinforced brick masonry buildings and 2.5% in adobe buildings, ILNA reported.

    In addition, the survey reported that 3.9% of the residential units had one room, 30.8% two rooms, 46.3% three rooms, 14.7% four rooms, 2.8% five rooms, and 1.5% had six rooms and above.

     Piped Water

    Regarding available utilities in residential units, the report pointed out that 99.4% of Iranian households had access to piped water supply and 100% to electricity; 92.9% enjoyed piped gas and 41.2% had waste water management systems; besides 82.2% and 23.9% households had fixed telephone lines and internet access respectively.

    About 98.1% of the households surveyed possessed a kitchen, 99.3% had private bathrooms, 62.5% enjoyed water-cooled air conditioners, 17.6 owned split/window air conditioners, 8.6% had central heating system, 5.2% had packaged heating units, and 41.7% had store rooms in their residential units.

    According to the survey, 44.4% of households in Iran own private cars, 17.8% own motorcycles, and 13.7% bicycles. The other indices of the survey were: 57.6% own sewing machines, 30.2% audio systems, 12.8% radios; 99.3% have television, 53.8% audio recorders, 47% personal computers; 15.2% possess cameras, 50.2% refrigerators, 81.8% refrigerator-freezer combo units; 51.1% own fans; 99.2% have gas stoves, 84.5% washing machines, and 94.7% own mobile phones.

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