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‘Good Deed’ by TCC Member

The free distribution of prescription eyeglasses by one of the members of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, received enthusiastic welcome from his colleagues, both in the public and the private sector.  The “treat” took place at the end of the 47th meeting of the chamber members on Tuesday, catching them by surprise. The eyeglasses which are specially designed have “separable, interchangeable frames.”

Mohsen Hajibabaeei, the doer of the good deed, had been wearing the same eyeglasses for a while and after being pestered by his colleagues about the unusual spectacles, decided to purchase them on one of his foreign trips and present them as surprise gifts.  Eghtesadonline reported that the reception of the special souvenirs “went well” with Hajibabaeei, who had checked with his colleagues their vision problems before getting the spectacles for them.