
Electronic Head Count Next year

Electronic Head Count Next year
Electronic Head Count Next year

The official population and residence surveys will be carried out electronically next year (March 21 2015 – March 20 2016).

The system was used this year for surveying farmers and will be applied in population and residence surveys next year, head of the Statistical Center of Iran (SCI) Adel Azar said.  

In a meeting at the SCI, the official stated that the ratification of the plan for the comprehensive system of registration of statistics in the Supreme Council of Statistics “indicates that the process which began this year must continue.”

Gathering all the national statistics cannot be vested only with the SCI.

 “A highly professional and comprehensive system is needed in which the SCI will be one of the main constituents,” he said, ILNA reported.


A statistical void exists in economical and cultural issues. Although statistics are delivered, they are not coordinated. To address such drawbacks, various sectors must take the comprehensive system of registering statistics more seriously, Azar said.

The SCI can act as the focal body of the data related to all government activities. However, to create a national database, all units must cooperate and be part of the unified system. The SCI cannot be successful in such a massive project if it were to operate autonomously, he noted.  

 If the project is successfully carried out, different government institutions would no longer operate in isolation, and “all discord in statistics will be eliminated,” he added.