A bill on protecting women against violence will be sent to the Majlis (parliament) by the end of September, said director general of the office for legal affairs at the vice presidency for women and family affairs.
“The ‘Comprehensive Bill on Ensuring Protection for Women against Violence’ is in the final stages of drafting and will go through its legal review before being presented to the parliament by summer-end,” Ashraf Geramizadegan told IRNA.
The bill comprising 81 articles and 5 notes was on the agenda of the previous Majlis in 2011, but was censured by the relevant parliamentary commission, and was withdrawn.
The current framework encompasses two civil and criminal sections. The criminal section is being reviewed by the judiciary, and the civil section by the vice presidency, and experts in pertinent fields have cooperated in its development.
The new draft includes a 10-article addendum to the previous bill and focuses on protection of women and the prevention of violence against them, including human trafficking, efficacious protection and services for victims of abuse, rehabilitation and better processes in interrogation of female offenders.
“The judiciary has considered the bill from the Islamic retribution point of view while including the proposals made by the vice presidency,” she noted.
One in three women in the world is a victim of physical violence, and 35% of all women have experienced it at least once in their lifetime.
“We are very hopeful that this bill will pass,” Geramizadegan said.