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Review of Medical Tariff Codes to Ensure ‘No Loose Ends’

O n the sidelines of a meeting with scientific-medical committees, Ali Rabeie, minister of cooperatives, labor, and social affairs, stated that policy making and cooperation with scientific-medical councils must be sustained.

Almost all committees present at the meeting were of the opinion that the newly compiled book of medical tariff codes presents a new paradigm which “will provide insight on therapeutic matters from a different perspective.” Although, the committees of laboratory sciences and psychology maintained that the medical tariff codes have not taken all aspects into consideration, ISNA reported.  

The official also announced that a joint committee will be created at the secretariat of the Supreme Insurance Council and during the next three months, the medical tariff codes will be reviewed to ensure that “there are no loose ends.” The medical tariffs, which officially came into effect on November 6, is the second step in the implementation of the Health Reform Plan, launched on May 5 this year.

 Supplemental Insurance

It is expected that the implementation of tariffs will satisfy” both doctors and patients alike.” The scientific-medical committees and the Iran Medical Council will closely monitor the tariffs.

Problems regarding “supplemental insurance” will be discussed in later sessions. The designated tariffs for the current supplemental insurance scheme date back to before the new tariff codes were compiled. The problems regarding tariff, and the supplemental insurance schemes, also need to be addressed.

The minster insisted that additional insurance providers must operate in line with the programs of the ministries of health and cooperatives, and cannot operate autonomously.


He further added that medical records “will follow a unified format” by the end of the month (November 21). The process started several months ago, and the next step will be to use electronic profiling of activities to organize and enhance monitoring.

The ministry of health has created a website through which citizens can file their complaints regarding the health reforms.


The previous government proposed amendments to employment regulations in 2011 and the proposal is still with the parliament. Both workers and employers have expressed their own complaints regarding the regulations.

In a situation where the supply and demand in the labor market is not in proportion, the ministry of cooperatives must ensure “security of the current job market.” Clearly the status quo should not be modified without taking all other related factors into consideration.”It is most important to secure the current status of job holders,” he reiterated.

 Retired Citizens

To a question why retirees have not been accounted in the food security package he said “the government has tried to include households with the lowest incomes and those who cannot provide the minimum for their families.”The overall budget designated for this purpose is approximately $ 870 million and it includes funding for the scheme to distribute free milk to school students, which is carried out with the cooperation of the Management and Planning Organization and the ministry of education.    


Sessions have commenced at the ministry of interior for a plan of action to tackle the issue of beggars. “What is needed is the cooperation of several institutions. It is clear that the State Welfare Organization (SWO) alone cannot address the issue,” he said.

The SWO has established special centers and coordinates emergency social services. A number of children who have been subject to harm and abuse have been given protection and shelter. It is also planned to provide shelter to homeless people. The city must be completely cleansed from such social ills, the minister stressed.    

“It will be tough to deal with professional beggars and it mustn’t be forgotten that social pressure has pushed several others towards beggary; this group requires extra help and attention.”