Iranian Embassy in Macedonia was among the participants at the 6th International Charity Bazaar held Saturday at Gradski Trgovski Center in Skopje, Macedonia, on the occasion of International Children’s Day (observed globally on June 1). Participants promoted their national culture and activities and had their home products on sale at more than 20 stalls, IRNA reported.
“The event is dedicated to the international occasion every year. This year, Dobredojde Macedonia Welcome Center (DMWC) organized the charity bazaar to raise funds for improving the Center for Street Children in Shuto Orizari,” Skopje Mayor Koce Trajanovski said. Besides Iran, the embassies of Albania, Bulgaria, the UK, Italy, Serbia, the US, China, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, France, Montenegro, Spain, the Netherlands, and Qatar as well as international organizations such as the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) mission to Skopje, International Monetary Fund and UNICEF participated.