The Crisis Management Organization (CMO) is offering loans of 200 million rials ($5,800) and an additional grant of 50 million rials ($1,450) at low interest rates for reconstruction of each housing unit damaged in the flood-affected rural areas.
For urban homes, an amount of 300 million rials ($8,700) and 60 million rials supplementary grant ($1,740) will be sanctioned for every affected person, said Esmaeil Najjar, head of the CMO.
Further, loans at low interest rates to the tune of 40 million rials ($1,160), 60 million rials ($1,740) and 80 million rials ($2,320) will be given for repairs of damaged homes. The loan amount will depend on the level of damage and financial assistance needed, ILNA quoted Najjar as saying.
It may be recalled that flash floods following incessant rains during April 13-15 left a trail of disaster in several western and southwestern provinces, namely Lorestan, Ilam, Chaharmahal-Bakhtiari, Kermanshah, Hamedan, Kurdistan and Khuzestan. Houses and roads were severely damaged and drinking water supplies cut in the three-day downpour.
As a first step, rescue services and basic facilities were provided to flood affected victims, Najjar said. Stating that experts are still evaluating the cost of overall damage to crops, housing, buildings, roads, and irrigation infrastructure. Maximum damage is estimated in the southern oil-producing Khuzestan Province.”
Due to the heavy downpour some 937 rural dwellings (out of the total 19,500 housing units in the county) were damaged severely in Borujerd, Lorestan Province. The funds needed for reconstruction of each unit is estimated at $7,250 and the cost of repairs for each damaged home is estimated at $2,900 by the Borujerd Housing Foundation of Islamic Revolution.
According to official figures, a total of 1,060 housing units in Lorestan Province were damaged to an extent of 10% to 50% and 2,846 sustained less than 10% damage.