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Aortic Valve Surgery Sans Stitches

The country’s 16th successful Aortic Valve Replacement surgery without sutures was performed at Shahid Madani Hospital in Tabriz.

“Earlier, aorta valve surgeries without stitches have been performed in Tehran, Isfahan and Qom,” said Dr. Rezayat Parvizi who carried out the surgery on Sunday, in the presence of Professor Borut Gersak of Slovenia who heads and participates in many Slovenian and international projects on cardiac rhythm disorders, IRNA reported.

“The main benefit of the method is that due to the short operation time, a patient’s kidney, lung, heart and brain are less susceptible to damage,” Parvizi said. The International Valvular Surgery Study Group (IVSSG) comprises 36 specialist valvular heart surgeons from 27 major centers across the globe. IVSSG sutureless surgeries are currently practiced in several countries.