
Clinics for Underserved Areas

Clinics for Underserved Areas
Clinics for Underserved Areas

Clinics will be set up for doctors willing to practice in underserved and disadvantaged areas, Mohammad Haji Aghajani, deputy health minister for treatment, has said.

At the recent 10th summit of the chancellors of medical schools at the ministry of health, the official said “necessary facilities will be provided to set up the clinics.”

The clinics must be built in line with standards and made available to doctors completing their compulsory service term within the regions. This might encourage young doctors to prolong their stay in the underprivileged areas, IRNA reported.  

The deputy minister expressed concern that several Afghans are not receiving any sort of insurance and added that “negotiations on the issue have been carried out with the ministries of interior and international affairs, and the preliminary ideas will be taken into consideration to provide insurance to Afghans.”

 Safety Net

The most important goal in the health reforms is to create a safety net for citizens against medical expenses, the official stressed.

In line with this plan, steps need to be taken to reduce costs for those receiving healthcare. All necessary drugs and medical instruments should be made available at the hospital so they get holistic care. Also healthcare beneficiaries don’t have to pay any extra amount other than what is registered in their medical files.

“With the support of the health ministry and cooperation between members of medical associations and the public, the safety net can surely be created,” Aghajani said.