
122 Schools to be Retrofitted

122 Schools to be Retrofitted
122 Schools to be Retrofitted

Plans for standardization of schools must be put into action, Ali Asghar Fani, minister of education, said at an educational council meet in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province.

The measures would be carried out in 122 schools across different provinces within the country, ISNA reported the minister as saying.

In case of a natural disaster, two-thirds of the schools in Iran are not secure, and therefore substandard. One-third of the schools need to be either retrofitted or completely rebuilt. With priority given to schools in rural and disadvantaged areas, and once the necessary funds are allocated, the renovation of schools would begin.

With the cold season around the corner several schools still lack appropriate heating, Fani noted. In order to standardize the schools, nearly $190 million is needed. Through further negotiations, “we hope that the funding issue will be resolved” the official said.

 Removing Shortfalls

To remove the shortcomings in the field of education two main factors need to be considered: the educational environment and human resources. Clearly, provinces which lack the minimum requirements will be given priority in receiving funds.  

On a different note, the official stated that it is important to localize educational centers; therefore, Farhangian Universities will be receiving local students in the province of their residence, starting January 2015.

Localization of education will encourage competitiveness in different regions. Creating a healthy environment in which diverse original ideas would emerge “will also help ameliorate local needs,” the minister stressed.