The inter-school sport Olympiads for this academic year (began September 23) will commence in November with four million students participating, said deputy education minister Mehrzad Hamidi.
“Of the 13 million students in schools across the country, four million will compete in the contests,” he said at a function in Tehran on the importance of sports in schools, Borna News Agency reported.
He stressed the importance of physical education on par with reading and writing skills. “Physical illiterates will not be able to learn complicated skills later in life.”
Sports offer a multitude of benefits and provide the physical activity they need to grow up in a healthy manner. Research shows that physical activity can improve kids’ self-esteem and reduce stress, anxiety and depression in addition to being just plain fun.
Unfortunately, the number of Iranian kids playing sports has been dwindling for the last several years. Many factors, including popularity of video games and sedentary lifestyles are contributing to the decline.
Physical literacy is defined as the mastering of fundamental movement skills and fundamental sport skills that permit a child to read their environment and make appropriate decisions, allowing them to move confidently and with control in a wide range of physical activity situations.
Hamidi noted that individuals who are physically literate move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the person as a whole.
“Physically literate individuals consistently develop the motivation and ability to understand, communicate, apply, and analyze different forms of movement, and are able to demonstrate a variety of movements confidently, competently, creatively and strategically across a wide range of health-related physical activities,” he explained.
These skills enable individuals to make healthy, active choices that are both beneficial to and respectful of their whole self, others, and their environment.
“Unhealthy diets, obesity, blood pressure, and blood sugar disorders threaten school-going children of our country,” he warned.
The ministry has shifted its focus from out-school to in-school activities to help eliminate such health risks. It aims to reach out to the entire 13 million student body.
“The ministry is trying to promote collective interest in sports among students who are a vital segment of the society,” he added.