The proposed bill to expand services for the disabled will help address a large part of their problems, said Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare Ali Rabie, at the closing ceremony of the sports and culture festival of Farzandan-e-Mehr (children of love) in Babolsar, on Thursday.
The Shahid Azimi Recreational Center hosted the event.
The Cabinet devised the draft bill on increasing support for the physically challenged and after presidential approval it was introduced in the Parliament, IRNA reported.
“The bill comprises existing and supplementary provisions, and amendments not under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet but presented to the Majlis for further debate.”
Providing appropriate education to people with disability, creating employment opportunities, facilitating their marriage and enhancing accessibility in urban spaces are among the major concerns addressed in the bill, besides homecare services to the disabled.
Rabie stressed that people who are physically challenged can impact the society and called for their social role to be enhanced. “People who have suffered hardships in life have influence and by extension can impact the community.”
Increasing social involvement of handicapped people is among the top priorities of the government as seen in the cultural and sport tournaments held for them across the country, including the current games in Babolsar. The ministry aims to create employment for all people irrespective of their physical condition, he added.