
Protecting Kids From Social Harm

Protecting Kids From Social Harm
Protecting Kids From Social Harm

A national anti-drug program is currently underway in all kindergartens to help make children immune to social harm, said Arezou Zokaeifar, director general of the Office for Children and Kindergarten Affairs, at the State Welfare Organization.

“Under the project, children in various age groups will learn to say no to drugs and other social ailments either directly or indirectly through plays, tales and poems appropriate to their age,” Zokaeifar  said, Mehr News Agency reported.

As children enter their teens they become vulnerable to social harm. They find it tough to say no to their friends.

“It is up to parents and educators to arm them from childhood with methods to say no to drug abuse. It is also important that teens feel comfortable to say no before they’re put in a peer-pressure situation.”