• People

    Physically Challenged Make it to Varsities

    The head of special needs education in Tehran announced that 95% of the students who attend special schools have been accepted to universities.

    Vajihollah Parvizi said that currently, 6000 special needs students attend special schools along with another 2000 students with mild disabilities who attend regular schools under the supervision of the special education system, ISNA reported.

    He said children with hearing loss, behavioral disorders, visual impairment and physically challenged children come under the special needs category and assured parents that within months of being enrolled in special schools, their children would undergo a significant improvement in behavior and skills. He listed some of the achievements of special needs students, including two entries into the Paralympics teams and said this is a testimony to the abilities of such students. “They are not much different from ordinary students,” he pointed out.Parvizi said one of the concerns facing special education is providing quality school transport for the students and hoped the matter would be addressed soon.

    The special schools’ reopening ceremony was held at Rajaeei Special Needs Center in Tehran’s District 15 and was attended by Mayor Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf.

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